The REAL way to get a stellar ROI on your book

Newsflash: The ROI on your book probably won't come from book sales.

In fact, book sales will likely be the LEAST profitable of the revenue streams created by your book.

Surprised? Hear me out.

One of my top-level clients recently shared with me an experience that changed everything for him in terms of how he sees the value of his book in his business.

He opened his DMs to find several messages from people he'd never met or spoken with.

  • "I ordered your book. I'm only through Chapter 3 but I'm loving it. It's like you're speaking directly to me! Looking at your programs -- can we set up a call?"

  • "Hey, my friend shared your book with me. Are you available to keynote my event next month? Not sure we can afford you, but ..." (Note: this person had a five-figure budget for their speaker.)

  • "I read your book in one sitting. It changed my life. How do I work with you?"

My client made some BIG investments to get his book done, launched, and into the world. It felt like a huge leap of faith.

But the total value of THOSE THREE DMs ALONE is close to what he spent to produce and launch the book.

And there are many, many more DMs coming.

Now, let me be clear: my client is already an established presence in his niche. He already has an audience. He already has a 7-figure business. And he is already creating huge impact through his work for hundreds of clients a year.

But this experience of having premium clients contact him with their wallets open, without ANY prior connection besides his (awesome) thought leadership book?

This is NEXT LEVEL. This is how his mission goes global.

So if you're an emerging thought leader with a big vision to share, please stop thinking in terms of, "Will I sell enough books to cover production costs?" That's completely beside the point.

Start asking yourself, "How many opportunities am I leaving on the table by NOT having a book?"