The WorldChangers Media Authors' Bill of Rights

We consider the following to be inalienable rights ofauthors and creators, and commit to upholding these rights with, and for, every author we publish.


Right #1: The Right to Determine the Worth of Your Own Ideas

World-changing ideas don’t need to be vetted by a popularity contest. In fact, doing so is counter- productive. What matters most to us isn’t how many “likes” or followers you have, but your willingness to engage with your ideas in an evolutionary way and own their inherent worth within yourself.

Right #2: The Right to Creative Control

You deserve the right to assert and maintain creative control over your intellectual property, in book form and otherwise. As your publisher, we will discuss creative decisions and offer our input, but we will not override your ultimate decisions with regard to your final product.

Right #3: The Right to Be Supported in Ideation

Creativity happens most powerfully in collaboration. We believe in supporting our authors through the entire creative process so that their big ideas—and world-changing books—can evolve in the most powerful and aligned ways possible.

Right #4: The Right to Be Witnessed in Your Evolution

Writing a book is an iterative and evolutionary process. You deserve to be lovingly supported through this process by a team of people who understand your highest vision for your work, and who will help you expand and refine that vision as it evolves.

Right #5: The Right to Access Support

No one should have to do this work alone. We are committed to supporting you through every stage of your book creation journey and beyond.

Right #6: The Right to Maintain Control of Your Creation

You deserve to maintain full control over your book and the intellectual property contained therein. You should never have to ask permission to use, share, or evolve something you’ve created! That’s why our authors retain 100% of their rights and royalties in all print, digital, and audiobook formats.

Right #7: The Right to Be Celebrated for Your Achievements

You deserve to be seen and recognized for your greatness—both as a creator and as a human being. It is our mission to not only support you in creating your book to the highest standards, but to consistently reflect back to you the highest vision you have for yourself and the change you are being in the world.

We stand for excellence in publishing.

We stand for the author experience.

We stand for the new generation of thought leaders.

Bryna Haynes